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/Ci · Call for Impact

4.4 ( 1024 ratings )
Developer: Rise works SL

WELCOME TO CALL FOR IMPACT by Fundación Rafael del Pino
Massive Changes happen when communities self organise around shared purposes.

/Ci is a community with a new generation Operating System. An Operating System designed to allow the community to self-organize around shared purposes and leverage the internal and external collective intelligence.
Members make the most out of the time interacting with the APP and the connections with other members.

Extraordinary individuals trying to improve society are joining /Ci communities that Fundación Rafael del Pino has been promoting for many years.
We aim to facilitate the connection between these individuals to improve their chances of success.

Our recommendation engine helps hack and scale serendipity.
Our think-seeds help validate opportunities without any connection risks.
Our think-tank tools help materialize the full-potential of profound collective thought to overcome some of society’s challenges.

We are motivated by those little things that could make big differences, some call them serendipity events.
We are equally frustrated by missed opportunities, we call them serendipity fails.

...a conversation that didnt take place
...a critical piece of information that never popped up
...a collaboration that never happened
...a team that was never created idea that never sparked
...a disruptive project that did not find its way
...a missed opportunity...Had I known……!

We do not conform to missed opportunities. Our motivation is to make individuals and organisations rise to their highest potential and our goal is to hack and scale serendipity to make the world a better place.